I have shifted to the ashram since about eight months… And for me, it’s the most amazing place to be, in the whole world! Life just flows out here… Hours passby into days, into weeks, into months… One just doesn’t realize how time flies in the blissful state here! Its not so different from staying outside in terms of work… There is a lot of work and sometimes one spends nights, staying awake… Its not that there are no tough times… There are times where you feel so miserable that you think nothing life just cannot go on! But the difference is… Everything that one experiences here is magnified and intense… Every joy is intense, and every sorrow is also intense, because there is nothing tha
t distracts the mind from the joy or misery… The other difference is that all the learning is highly quickened! The rate at which one learns here compared to learning from life outside, is really really fast ! No matter what problems come, by the evening, when one sits in the satsang… Everything is washed out ! Next day is a brand new fresh day, ready with new surprises ! Actually that’s it… Every day out here waits with new surprises! Actually that’s how one can have a life anywhere in the world… But one tends to get caught up in the outside… And that’s the difference here… One gets this practice of going out and then quickly come back inside… The ‘satva’ or the energy here is simply amazing! I see this place as a laboratory… Where one can experiment whatever one wishes to research about one’s own mind, emotions and tendencies…