Of late, I've been in Gurgaon, which comes in the Delhi NCR region, and is swamped with a huge number of corporates. My job involves interacting with youth ( 18 - 30 to be specific ), so i've been meeting up with a lot of young employees at various call centres & BPOs. Infact I’m staying with one ( He was my room-mate at IIT).
I really pity, the way they are leading their lives. Their regular schedule is – say a 10 hour working day (which I feel would be the only worthwhile time), come back, watch T.V. or meet up with a friend over a coffee/meal/drink on working days. Friday and Saturday evening are for heavy drinking, and Sunday goes by, getting out of the hangover!
Such a dull, boring and monotonous life! It looks so juiceless! Even though seemingly there are all the material comforts, life seems to be so juiceless! Just waiting for weekends, where one could drink and get out of the monotonicity for a few hours. As soon as the alcohol is digested and the headache, or dullness gone, starts another week and the cycle continues!

We are so caught up in our own ‘vicious circle’ that we have really forgotten where are we really heading? What is it all for? Why are we here on this planet? Whats the purpose of life? Very often these issues come out as ‘discussions’ after a drink, or maybe even without a drink sometimes, but still as ‘discussions’. This is the first step. Very fortunate are those, to whom at-least this question dawns! Everyone who is at this step (or who is nodding in agreement through this blog) wants to come out of the cycle, but very few have the determination and courage to put in actual efforts!
The solution lies in taking action about it (not just reading this blog and forgetting it!). It lies in spending time with oneself to sit and ponder over these issues and meditate. It lies in going out and serving people. It lies in having more talks, discussions, and being in company of people with similar mindset. Guruji puts it in very simple words… “Seva, Satsang & Sadhana”. Seva – serving people without expecting anything in return. Satsang – being in the company of sat(truth) meaning hanging around/chilling out/spending time with people doing such activities. Sadhana – meditating, or spending time with oneself on a regular basis. These are the three pillars of growth that help us “wake up” in life!
I really pity, the way they are leading their lives. Their regular schedule is – say a 10 hour working day (which I feel would be the only worthwhile time), come back, watch T.V. or meet up with a friend over a coffee/meal/drink on working days. Friday and Saturday evening are for heavy drinking, and Sunday goes by, getting out of the hangover!
Such a dull, boring and monotonous life! It looks so juiceless! Even though seemingly there are all the material comforts, life seems to be so juiceless! Just waiting for weekends, where one could drink and get out of the monotonicity for a few hours. As soon as the alcohol is digested and the headache, or dullness gone, starts another week and the cycle continues!

We are so caught up in our own ‘vicious circle’ that we have really forgotten where are we really heading? What is it all for? Why are we here on this planet? Whats the purpose of life? Very often these issues come out as ‘discussions’ after a drink, or maybe even without a drink sometimes, but still as ‘discussions’. This is the first step. Very fortunate are those, to whom at-least this question dawns! Everyone who is at this step (or who is nodding in agreement through this blog) wants to come out of the cycle, but very few have the determination and courage to put in actual efforts!
The solution lies in taking action about it (not just reading this blog and forgetting it!). It lies in spending time with oneself to sit and ponder over these issues and meditate. It lies in going out and serving people. It lies in having more talks, discussions, and being in company of people with similar mindset. Guruji puts it in very simple words… “Seva, Satsang & Sadhana”. Seva – serving people without expecting anything in return. Satsang – being in the company of sat(truth) meaning hanging around/chilling out/spending time with people doing such activities. Sadhana – meditating, or spending time with oneself on a regular basis. These are the three pillars of growth that help us “wake up” in life!