Monday, December 8, 2008

Intelligence & Innocence

“There is a lot of intelligence in the world today. What we need in the world today is innocence…” – Sri Sri

In today’s age, this statement holds so true! The moment a person does something that is intelligent, the first question that comes to our mind is… “ what does he gain from this.. or what does he/she want… whats in it from him/her…” I mean we don’t leave the minutest possibility that the person has done something good for everyone out of innocence! The synonym of intelligence has become ‘crookedness’… Its so visible in our vocabulary… When we say, “ He is very smart" implying "don’t believe him" or "He is very sharp" meaning "be careful " etc.

Then there are the "dumb" people in this world whom we often call “ innocent”… They don’t leave a possibility that someone can be crooked! They think the whole world is innocent and that every person does everything with innocence and believe everything and everyone… They are the ones who get exploited by the ‘intelligent and crooked’… When these people find out that they were being exploited, they get frustrated and tend to loose faith…

When the faith is strong, then there is no stopping… One doesn’t feel cheated, one doesn’t get frustrated and one continues to remain innocent, no matter what the whole world does or say… Even if someone does act 'crooked' with them, they see that this person has done such an act out of ignorance or some negativities overpowered that person... When these type of people use intelligence, the world becomes a better place to live in… When an action is done with Intelligence and total innocence, it is one of the most beautiful and perfect actions done in the universe…


vinay said...

Ha Finally a post after a year long hibernation!! Loved the post. jgd

Unknown said...

Vishaluu!! Did my brother actually write the whole thing?!! That's jaw dropping stuff!! I'm impressed!!

Anshika said...

iNDeed, Faith is a gr8 wealth we are blessed with !
Gr8 Going Fishal Bhaiya .. :)
- Anshika

Preeti said...

Innocent intelligents...hmmnn

purity is very difficult to find these days, Vishal. but i am liking the way you've analyzed this.

and you are right. faith is the only anchor that we have to ultimately hold on to. how many times we are faced with situations where nothing seems to make sense and everything suddenly turns ugly. at such times faith is what keeps us afloat and stops us from sinking.

Preeti said...

i am glad you are back to writing. i hope you dont vanish again.

Saleel Pulekar said...

Sheer subtly presented. An intelligent post writen innocently from the depth of mature faith! Jgd. Saleel

Priyanka said...

Hey vishal...the way you have analysed it is just brilliant...thats so very true..what the world needs today is innocence...and of course when there is faith then there is not even an iota of doubt about it....truly said then there is no stopping...I liked the way you have described it....keep writing...all the very best...jai gurudev!!!!!

Bubbles said...

hey ur thought process is absolutely outstanding..! loved the differencation made b'w d two..
ahh i guess der are two kinds of ppl today the wise 'n' otherwise..Hmm its the faith tht keeps us going the long way!!
nice keep penning down :)