The messiah of politics
As human beings, nobody can be without transactions and
interactions. Confrontation and conflict are integral part of transactions and
interactions. It is only normal that there are errors and disagreements in
conversations. The most popular way of resolving the stand-off between two
people is by subscribing to a system of governance. Governance in the way you
communicate. Nothing can be devoid of governance.
To make optimum governance-possibilities and to create a
framework of legislators, the polity has to elect their leaders. Only then, the
elected legislators will get authority to frame rules and regulations for the
people. Then the people will be in compulsion to live by these laws and orders.
Welcome to politics. Politics is an integral part of living. There are numerous
other things which are integral part of your living. Many a times your
interests are latent and in seed form within you. At an appropriate time and
suitable provocation these seeds emerge and come to the forefront. You will
agree that any such surge within you must have adequate tutelage. This
excitement and surge in people must get guidance so as to be channeled in the
direction of progress. Are there any mass educators to train the electorate on
how to vote?
The educator of the masses must have a profile which gives
him authority to guide the masses. This guide or the leader must have the
ability to see things beyond that which is obvious. The vision of the most of
the electorate is limited to only that which is obvious. A short term
gratification limited to personal tastes is the present motivation. A true leader
and a guide must inspire the voter to a collective cause, a sustainable and a
long term goal. The electorate must become persuaded to perhaps compromise on
personal taste and connect to a more nobler cause of country and also humanity.
A renowned spiritual scholar who evidently has achieved the drive of human
value is necessary. Who do you know that corresponds to the profile with a
universal presence, international respect, national reach, personal influence
and local expertise. Can anybody do without such a guide and mentor ? If
politics is integral to you as much as is music, then what we need today is a
Guru for the electorate and a messiah of the politics.
It will seem irresponsible for such a Guru if he does not participate
in country’s affairs. As a role model, the real Guru will not be seen as an
abdicator of duty. Do you have a name that fits this profile? Those who are
willing to give a name and a face to this important and urgent profile, christen it as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji.
-- As said by Sri Vinod Menon ji
1 comment:
Indeed, Sri Sri Ravishankar ji, has been a guiding light for motivating thousands of young people to register as voters and further to bring lakhs of voters pan India to the ballot on voting day. In doing so he is moving people to perform a civic duty. TV ads by government agencies are urging ppl to do the same at a cost to the exchequer. Art of Living volunteers are doing it for free.
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